Climate Change a.k.a.
Mother Nature Beat Down Part Duex!


New Zealand: 8

At present New Zealand has retained its rather stable climate well but there are many scientists who warn of what may occur should this problem go unchecked. However, this is not to say there are not any problem climate problems. There has been a large increase in greenhouse gases in recent years within the country that has yet to return to satisfactory levels despite many efforts. This is the main predicament affecting climate within the nation.

Brazil: 8

For the most part, Brazil has a stable climate. It is a tropical region with heavy rainfall during a select few months of the year. Every now and again during a cold winter, regions with a higher altitude within the country have had snowfall.

However, due to the high levels of deforestation, the climate in some regions has been greatly disrupted. The removal of the trees has resulted in increased temperatures and 28% more rainfall. The amazon rainforest is a fragile ecosystem whose equilibrium has been disrupted and the effects may be far greater than currently perceived. Scientists determined that more research will need to be done as to the extent of this change.